Giving and Receiving

Giving and Receiving

You’ve heard it said that it is better to give than receive. I tell you the truth, great receivers become better givers. He who has ears, let him hear.

Are you a good receiver? A great one?

If you watch the NFL, you know that we are living in a time like no other. We have a crop of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, right now…and they have some great receivers who make an enormous contribution to the statistical records they are setting. If the receiver drops the ball, it is called an incompletion. If the receiver tips the ball and the other team catches it, it is called an interception. If the receiver catches the ball and then fumbles the ball and it is recovered by the other team, it is a turnover like the interception. These are all negatives that reflect on the quarterback stats, as well as the receivers.

Fan of the NFL or not, I hope the above gives a part of the picture of how important the receiver is in this whole giving and receiving equation. Let’s look at the scripture on which we are focusing.

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:9

Last week, we focused on the fact that we are learners and that learning happens in community. This week, I want us to get the message that we are receivers. The corollary to that is that we are also givers, but let’s just make that an understood for this week…we need to focus on receiving.

To get the full picture of what is being communicated here, let’s call back to the parable of the seed from Matthew 13. That seed was sown on a path, rocky ground, and prepared soil. That which was sown on the path was immediately taken by the birds. On the rocky ground, the seed sprang up, but quickly died. The seed that fell on the prepared soil, grew with a depth of root that gave it the ability to be fruitful. That is the picture of receiving that Paul is calling back to here.

So…if God intends us to receive from one another, how do we become the prepared soil and not the rocky soil or the path? I’m glad you asked. It’s about preparation.

  1. Be receptive. Make it your practice to be continually in prayer to receive what God has for you from other believers. This may seem a bit obvious, but it is often neglected.
  2. Be reflective. Make it your practice to actually think about what you are receiving from other believers. Whether it be in a preaching service, a small group, in conversation…be an active listener. Pay attention. Ask questions. Ask God to probe your heart and expect the Holy Spirit to guide.
  3. Be responsive. This is an element of active listening. It is important to be ready to respond in obedience to what you are receiving. This also means that we are practicing a level of discernment.

God uses others to sow into our lives.  Being an able receiver is important. In fact, an able receiver is just as important as the giver. Depending on God the Holy Spirit to use us, as givers and receivers, means the work of the kingdom of God moves forward through us, his chosen instruments.

I’ll be honest with you. I love to watch big play football, when quarterbacks and receivers connect for the big plays and make great gains and score big points. BUT…I love to see God’s people as givers and receivers make great gains so much more.

I hope to see you Sunday. Come prepared to receive!