Week One: Confession

Week One: Confession


A simple definition for CONFESSION is AGREEMENT WITH GOD.  The Holy Spirit guides us into a truth and we humbly agree.  In the coming weeks, as we focus together on a personal awakening (HEART), let us commit to seeking Him (our primary purpose for opening the Bible) with all our heart and asking Him to reveal Himself (Truth) to us, and that the light of Truth would show us where we are not in agreement with Him.

First Study: Our Guilt and God’s Love


since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are now justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus  – Romans 3:23-24 (NRSV)


One of simplest facts of life as a human being is that we are born broken, sinners.  We do not want to live the way God wants us to live.  An even greater fact, God is not angry with us and does not hate us, HE LOVES US!  He knows how bad sin is and how it separates us from Him.  He wants us to know Him and love Him and live with Him FOREVER.  The only way we can have that life with Him is through Jesus, who came and died so that we can be forgiven and set free to truly LIVE as God created us to live.  We cannot be good enough to earn it.  We cannot fix ourselves.  Only God can do it, if we CONFESS (agree with God), truly believing what He says.


I am a sinner.  God loves me and does not want to me to stay broken in sin.  He has forgiven me and Jesus came and died for me so I can live with Him forever.  That is the truth.  Thank you for loving me God!  Thank you for forgiving me!


  1. What does it mean to CONFESS? (We agree with God)
  2. Can we fix ourselves or be good enough to fix our sin? (No)
  3. What did God do to offer us forgiveness and make a way for us to live with Him, FOREVER? (Jesus came and died for us.)


God, we realize that we are broken sinners and cannot fix ourselves.  You love us, so much, that you sent Jesus to die for us so we can be forgiven, fixed, and forever live with You!  Thank you, Lord.  I agree with You.  I confess that I need what only You can provide.  I believe you have provided it and trust You alone to forgive my sin and fix what is broken in me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Study Two: I Am Everyone!


For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life. -John 3:16 (NRSV)


When the teacher, Nicodemus, came to talk with Jesus it was the middle of the night.  It is possible that he was afraid to be seen with Jesus, because it would hurt his reputation.  What is most important, though, is that he came to Jesus because he wanted to believe that He was the Messiah, the one God had promised would come to deliver His people.  He had questions that Jesus answered clearly, offering forgiveness and eternal life to all who have read and heard them since, if they believe in Jesus.  Jesus made it clear:

God loves you and me!

He gave Jesus, His only Son so that we can be forgiven, fixed, and have eternal life with Him.



Everyone who believes in Jesus will not perish and have eternal life!  I AM EVERYONE!  I believe.


Why did God give Jesus, His only Son? (To forgive us our sins, fix what is broken and give us eternal life)

What does John 3:16 say is necessary for “everyone” to not perish and have eternal life?


God, I believe what you tell me.  I AGREE with what you say.  Thank you for sending Jesus, so that ANYONE and EVERYONE who believes may not perish and may have eternal life!  I Believe!  AMEN!

GOING FURTHER: if you would like to read a verse of scripture any other night of the week that relates to our studies for this week, we recommend these: 1 John 1:9; Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 4:15.