Sharing the Load

Sharing the Load

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It’s Finally Friday…and I’m Pastor James St. John

There are loads that are just too heavy to carry on our own.

I’ve learned that the hard way, more than once.

Like that time, when I was impatient and lifted that piece of furniture by myself. Long story short…I suffered a back injury. That was years ago. The older I get, the more I recognize the error of my ways back then.

As Christians, we must understand that “the body” illustration that is so clear in scripture is meant to remind us that this life we live is meant to be lived in community…as a unity…to share the load.

10 For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

We are what He has made us. In spite of what the naysayers and critics may say, the Church was God’s idea. We, human beings, have been messing it up from the beginning. That’s why the majority of the New Testament is made up of letters from Paul to churches struggling to “live it out.”

We’re human.

We’re going to make mistakes.

No excuses, here. BUT…we’re growing up into Jesus. We haven’t quite grown up, yet.

So…He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works. Those works do not save us, make us worthy of salvation, or any such thing. That whole created in Christ Jesus thing is the work of salvation, done for us, done in us, by faith alone.

AND…those works, before we get too proud of ourselves. They weren’t our idea, either. God prepared them. We have the privilege to walk in them.

So, let’s share the load. Let’s be who God created us to be in Christ Jesus. When we do that, the works are done, the Lord is lifted up, He draws others to Himself. It is amazing how that works.

Just a parting shot here…those works, that God prepared beforehand, can wear a single label…love.

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