Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord

For most of us, there is a string of never-ending projects that require time and energy. At times, those will push us to the limits of our personal resources. Have you ever been on the end of a shovel and reached the point where your arms are trembling and you cannot physically move one more scoop of dirt? I was there last Saturday. I dropped the shovel, kicked off my shoes and collapsed on the couch for a much needed rest.

At times, our circumstances push us beyond our limits. In those times, where do we turn? Where do we find the resources? In grief and hardship, when the pain is too deep to bear, where do we turn? When our path is steep and we cannot take another step, where do we find the strength to push through?

Into those very times, the Lord speaks to us. Today, He may be speaking to you.

Seek the LORD and the strength He gives! Seek His presence continually!

1 Chronicles 16:11

Among the complexities of our lives and the relationships that abide there, these simple truths become our lifeline. They become water for our thirsty soul. They become a place where we find rest. They become bread of life and a light to a darkened path.

Wherever you are, today, seek the Lord. There you will find strength. There you will find peace. There you will find relief. Seek His presence, continually.

There WE will find a happy Wednesday.
