Imitation as Transformation

Imitation as Transformation

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Finally Friday Podcast Audio

It’s finally Friday…and I’m Pastor James St. John.

Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery…or, the lowest form of mockery.

I am reminded of a time when we were traveling in China for an adoption. Marjorie and I were hot and tired and I had grown overstimulated by the number of people attempting to sell me things along the path through a street market. One particular gentleman, who had an armload of “Fauxlex” watches (that’s fake Rolex watches, by the way) had been particularly bothersome. It seems to me, in hindsight, that he had followed us for blocks. In reality it was probably a much shorter distance. Anyway, after saying “no” many times, his persistence pushed me to my limit for the day. I stopped, turned, and literally shouted, “No. I’ve said, ‘no’. Now leave us alone.” I was not interested in his overpriced imitations. Besides, I don’t even wear a watch.

Marjorie, shocked that I would shout at the guy, scolded me, and she was right to do so. I could make every excuse. I was hot. I was tired. I was hungry (hangry). I was footsore from walking way too long. None of them excused my shouting at the guy, when simply continuing to walk away was enough. I had become a cheap imitation, in that moment, like the cheap imitation Rolex watches the guy was trying to sell me.

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:1-2

Let’s just break this down, quickly.

Children imitate what they hear and see in their parents. The good, the bad, and the ugly… children are often a reflection of what they are experiencing at home. Now, I do understand there are exceptions to this “rule” and there are other influences in the lives of our children…but, let’s keep it simple. In general, children imitate the speech, the actions, and the attitudes of their parents.

The two major characteristics of our imitation of God, as illustrated in Christ: love and sacrifice.

So, as beloved children of God, we can glean these principles:

  1. Our speech will be transformed by love, when we imitate God.
  2. Our actions will be transformed by love, and characterized by sacrifice, when we imitate God.
  3. Our attitudes will be transformed by love and sacrifice when we imitate God.

Chew on this, today. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the truth to us and shed light on those areas where our speech, actions, and attitudes are not imitating our Father God. He will do it, and He will empower us to change.




    Thank you James. I know I have been in similar situations and have not always acted like an imitator of God. I pray each morning for the Holy Spirit to guide me throughout the day in my actions thoughts and words. Have a Blessed Day!!

      Pastor James (Author)

      So glad for God’s mercy when we fall short and His forgiveness and cleansing.

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