Day 30: A Note of Thanks

Day 30: A Note of Thanks

November 30:

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you –
Phillipians 1:3

Larry P. was my high school Sunday School teacher who
took a chance and hired me for a summer to work alongside
him. Rick B. was a volunteer youth leader who challenged
me to a deeper, more committed discipleship. Peggy L.
was another youth leader who laughed and loved her way
into our group’s trust. Rick U. helped me realize I had a
gift to share with the church that needed to be nurtured and
developed. Each of these people, when I remember, give
me reason to thank God.
How about you? Do you have a “thank my God upon
every remembrance list”?  Why not shoot them an e-mail, text, or note of thanks, right now.  (I’ll Wait.)
Now, think about why these people have given you reason
for thanksgiving. I would venture to guess your list will
include: they loved me; they helped me; they paid attention
to me; they believed in me; they were a friend.
Now, the challenge is this: Go out and be that person for
someone else. Demonstrate your gratitude to God for those
who love by being loving; for those who helped by helping;
for those who believed by believing. You can do it. God
will help! Give thanks!