Day 23: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

Day 23: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

November 8:

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very
well. – Psalm 139:14

The “Bodies” exhibit is a fascinating look inside. 

One particular part of the exhibit demonstrates
how interdependent our body systems are, showing the
profound affect an unhealed broken leg can have on
multiple areas of the entire anatomy of our body. Not only
does this remind me of how often we are called the Body of
Christ, shown to be interdependent on one another, but it
also reminds me of how fabulous a creation we really are.
I have met many people over the years that have a difficult
time looking in the mirror and thinking to themselves, “I
am fearfully and wonderfully made.” They have been
reminded of their physical faults one too many times by
cruel classmates or have been demeaned and shamed by
their own family because they do not meet some
expectation of physical attractiveness.
As the father of children with special needs, both physical
and neurological, I have seen with my own eyes and heard
with my own ears how cruel this world can be. I have
heard the emotional cries of my little girl when she realized
she was different from others. I have seen the stoic
indifference of a little boy who has been victimized by
bullies who tease.
The Scripture reminds us today, as I have reminded others,
we are a valued and special creation of Almighty God, not
just the result of genetic recombination. You are fearfully
and wonderfully made! Give Thanks!