Past Events (Page 5)

Past Events (Page 5)

SAMS Game Night

Our senior adult ministries (SAMs) will be getting together for food and fellowship in the Dining Room, starting @ 6 PM.  Bring your favorite finger foods, to share, and a favorite game to play.  See Miriam Bobo with any questions.

Easter Play Dress Rehearsal

For the latest update on scheduling, cast and crew needs, etc. Visit our Cast and Crew Facebook Group here:

Easter Play Practice

For the latest update on scheduling, cast and crew needs, etc. Visit our Cast and Crew Facebook Group here:

Family Worship Night & Egg Hunt

Join us for this annual favorite!  We will enjoy a cookout, teaching and a fun egg hunt for the kids. Hamburgers will be provided.  Please bring sides like coleslaw or potato salad, desserts, and drinks. Parents should bring two dozen, plastic candy-filled eggs per child for participation in the egg hunt, so that there will be enough for all the kiddos. All the…

All Church Dinner

We look forward to sharing a meal together, celebrating our special guests from World Help and our new mission partnership and participation in the Guatemala Village Transformation. Join us, immediately following our morning worship service to share in this meal and fellowship. Each family bring side dishes, casseroles, vegetables, and desserts to share with everyone! …

Easter Play Practice

For the latest update on scheduling, cast and crew needs, etc. Visit our Cast and Crew Facebook Group here:

Freedom Valentine’s Banquet

You are invited to an evening filled with food, fellowship and fun on Friday, February 10, 2023 @ 6:30pm.  The cost is $15 per person.  Childcare will be provided.  Use the Register button to RSVP and pay, today!

SAMs Dinner

All of our senior adults are invited to our January Fellowship Dinner! Bring a side dish or dessert. Please use the registration link to sign up and let us know you are coming, so we may plan. Thanks!