Letson Family BBQ Fundraiser
  • 500 Underwood Rd

  • Freedom Church Family Life Center

Letson Family BBQ Fundraiser

Our Freedom Youth are sponsoring a BBQ fundraiser to assist the Letson family with ongoing expenses due to cancer treatment.  Watch video at the bottom of the page for a quick summary.

When: September 28 10 AM to 2 PM

What: Pulled Pork BBQ, Cowboy Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Bread & Drink

There will be live music, a car wash (for an additional donation), and a bake sale (prices will vary).

You may purchase BBQ tickets from any participating member of Freedom Church or through our office (hours 9 – 5 M-Th) or online by clicking here ($2 additional charge to cover processing fees): PURCHASE BBQ TICKETS

If you prefer to give directly to the Letson fund, rather than buying a BBQ ticket, you are able to do that here: Letson Fund GIFT ONLY

Letson Family Story Summary


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