Day 19: Watch Your Mouth

Day 19: Watch Your Mouth

November 19:

…neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting,
which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. –
Ephesians 5:4

I came home one summer afternoon from fishing with
friends to many questions from my mother. “Did you catch
many fish?” she asked. My answer nearly floored her.
“We just caught a bunch of little (blank).” “What did you
just say?” she inquired, not believing her ears. I repeated
my previous answer. To make a long story short, I was
repeating a word that I had heard many times that day, not
really knowing what it meant.  Upon repeating it in my mother’s
hearing, she educated me as to the
meaning and told me to never use that word again.
There are times in all of our lives when we have said and
done things in ignorance. We just did not know any better.
There are still times when we may say something or do
something, not having all the facts, and unintentionally
hurting someone or making a bad situation worse.
This scripture is just one indication, that words have always
been a struggle for believers. James describes the tongue
as “a fire.” We can do great harm with our words,
sometimes without even realizing it, but oftentimes with
premeditation. We are guilty.
Paul gives a key to avoid such guilt. Rather than using our
tongue for evil, use it to thank our Creator and Savior for
our blessings. Once, we were in darkness, but now we are
children of light. We cannot claim ignorance. So, let us
commit ourselves to using our tongue as a tool of
thanksgiving and blessing, rather than cursing. Give