About Us

About Us

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If it’s your first time visiting Freedom Church, we are honored to have you as our guest!
We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating. Below are a few frequently asked questions that may help you plan your visit.

“Where do I go when I arrive?”

We encourage you to enter through our main entrance under the canopy, where you will be greeted by one of the Freedom family at the Welcome Center. Just ask. She/He will connect you with the person who can provide direction for your family.

“How long will the service last?”

Our worship service, typically lasts a little more than an hour. We begin by singing a few songs, together. Don’t worry if you do not know the words, they’ll be on the screen to follow along. Our speaker, usually Pastor Tim Thomas, will speak following our time of Christian Giving. If you are a visitor, do not feel obligated to give.

“What should I wear?” 

We encourage you to never feel obligated to “dress up.” Our church family gathers wearing everything from suits to shorts. Please come and be comfortable.

“Is there something for my kids?” 

Our families worship in song, together. We find that parents and kids enjoy the singing, while parents have an opportunity to model worship for their children. In most cases, prior to our time of giving, our children are dismissed to enjoy age-appropriate teaching and fun, together, under the direction of our Children’s ministry staff. You’re always welcome to accompany your children and see what’s up.

“Will I be singled out as a VISITOR.”

You’ll never be asked to stand or be recognized as a visitor. Rest easy!  Our Freedom family is known for the loving manner in which they relate to everyone, so you will most likely be greeted by a few folks.  During our time of Christian giving, you will be referred to the QR code on the back of the pew in front of you.  Please scan this code and share your information so that a pastor can follow up with you.

“Am I welcome if I am __________________?”

We’ve all felt at some point or another like we don’t belong. No matter what is in your past or present, there is hope for you in Jesus. And because you matter to Him, you matter to us. At Freedom Church, you’re welcome to belong before you believe. We’ll see you on Sunday!

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Pastoral Staff and Ministry Leaders

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500 Underwood Rd. Milledgeville, GA 31061 Need Directions?



We have a number of opportunities for worship, study and fellowship each and every Sunday.
9:45 AM – Small Group Bible Study – Opportunities for study and fellowship are provided for all ages. (Nursery is provided)

10:30 AM – Gifted Hands Ministry – for disabled children gets started under the direction of Yngrid Coehlo and her gifted staff of volunteers.  Check-in for Gifted Hands is at the entrance off the Playground.  Enter the playground gate under the canopy. Pre-registration is required. Get MORE INFO HERE.
11:00 AM – Morning Worship – Our morning worship hour is an exciting time of worship and preaching. (Nursery is provided)
11:00 AM – Freedom Kids – Children from Pre-school to 5th Grade are welcome to participate in an awesome combination of large group worship and teaching with small group reinforcement in an age-appropriate setting, under the direction of Kayla Bloodworth, our Children’s Ministries Coordinator.


11:00 am to 1:00 pm – Cafe Central – Every week, Cafe Central serves hundreds of meals. Contributions and volunteers are always needed. Check their web site for more information.


Digging deeper…going further…experiencing God together…

6:30 AM – Men’s Prayer Breakfast – Pastor Tim Thomas hosts a men’s prayer gathering each Wednesday AM. We share a meal, a devotion, and pray for the needs of our families and community. (FREE – FLC Dining Room – Enter through the gym doors)
5:15 PM – Wednesday Family Meal – An opportunity to have dinner and fellowship with your family before Wednesday PM activities. Sign up at the Information Center or visit our Wednesday Family Meal Menu. (Cost is $3.00 per person, with a maximum of $15.00 per family)
6:30 PM – Prayer & Bible Study Gathering – Everyone is welcome to our mid-week prayer ministry and Bible study. (Nursery is provided)
6:30 PM – Small Groups – There are a variety of small group opportunities available each Wednesday night of the month.
6:30 PM- Freedom Refuge Youth Ministry  – Youth from 6th to 12th grade gather for worship and Bible Study, with a variety of fun surprises every week, under the leadership of Pastor Patrick Rainey.
6:30 PM- Freedom KidsKayla Bloodworth, our Children’s Ministries Coordinator, and our Freedom Kids volunteers provide a fun and safe place for our kids to experience physical and spiritual growth, every Wednesday night!


10:30 AM – Ladies Bible Study – Ann Devero leads our women in a bible study each Thursday. All ladies are welcome and ecouraged to come share this time together. (Rm 108 – Enter through office doors under canopy)

6:30 PM – Celebrate Recovery – Everyone with a hurt, habit or hang-up is welcome to join us for our Christ-centered recovery ministry each Thursday. Mark Williams serves as our CR Director.

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  • in one God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  • that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, inspired by God, contain all truth necessary for faith and Christian living.

  • that man is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.

  • that the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost.

  • that the atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.

  • that believers are to be sanctified wholly, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

  • that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth, and also to the entire sanctification of believers.

  • that our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.

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