Gifted Hands – FAQs

Gifted Hands – FAQs

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The purpose of this ministry is to be a beacon of hope and light in our community, shining God’s love and grace to all, and providing a safe haven for those with disabilities and their families.

Gifted Hands Ministry is open every Sunday morning from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  This allows your family time to connect with others and prepare for the worship service @ 11 AM.  We hope to expand this time in the future to include our Sunday small group hour.

 Children between the ages of 4 and 14 who have a doctor’s diagnosis are welcome to participate in our Gifted Hands Ministry. We especially hope to provide respite for caregivers and families who have not felt they were able to participate in the worship life of a church family with their disabled child by providing a safe and secure place for their child to have a life-enriching experience.

Within the past few years, there has been a growing awareness of inclusive language in our wider culture. As it relates to people with disabilities, there are advocates and influencers who have made it clear that people with disabilities do not want to be labeled “special”. These are people who experience life with a disability every day. They are people who have made intelligent arguments against the wider culture labeling them in a way that is condescending and exclusive. Freedom Church has heard these voices and made the decision to use “disability ministry”.

The interview process is a necessary step for us to best serve the needs of your child and family. We know you are busy and burdened. The interview helps us connect as a team to minister to your child in the best way possible.

Planning and preparation are key to our ability to meet your child and family’s needs through our ministry.  Coordinating volunteers and making necessary space adjustments, as well as preparing teaching material and interactive elements, require that we ask every participating family to RSVP by Wednesday before the planned Sunday attendance.  Like you, we want what is best for your child and want the time spent with us to be enriching and rewarding.  Our preparation will make all the difference.