Gifted Hands Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Gifted Hands Pre-Interview Questionnaire

This form is meant to provide the initial information about your child and family Gifted Hands Ministry needs to start the process of welcoming your child and your family into our ministry group. Once you submit this form our Gifted Hands Ministry coordinator, Yngrid, will reach out to set an appointment to show you our ministry space, answer your questions, and to get to know your child/family better, prior to your child participating in a Gifted Hands Sunday. We look forward to opening our arms to your family!

    Child's Basic Information: Child's Gender: My Child Is: Family Information Siblings Emergency Contact: Child's Health & Disability Details To participate in Gifted Hands Ministry it is necessary to have a diagnosis from a medical doctor. What are your child's stimming behaviors? (check all that apply) Is stimming allowed? This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed.