Freedom Youth Summer Splash

Freedom Youth Summer Splash

This summer our youth ministry will be hosting a Youth Summer Splash (a mini summer retreat) in Putnam County on the lake.

Someone has graciously let us use their lake house for free where we can have worship, bible study, grilling out and lots of fun in the water. This mini summer retreat is just for church teens. What I mean by that is the teens that are invited to attend have parents who come to the church on a regular basis. Our goal for this retreat is for your child to grow closer to Christ and to get to know others in the youth ministry. These teens are the core of the youth ministry and we want this group to be solid in relationships with each other and with Christ. 

So what are all the details? Here you go……

  • Youth Summer Splash is Wednesday June 26th – Saturday June 29th. (we will leave after Wednesday night church and head over to the lake house. About 15-20 minutes from the church)
  • Thursday we will be heading to Six Flags in Atlanta, Ga. (Tickets are $45 per person plus lunch money in the park.) We want to keep the price low for you so the only cost is the cost of a Six Flags ticket and lunch. All other meals have been covered.
  • Friday is a day at the lake. (We will have boats for tubing and cruising)
  • Saturday meet back at the church @ 10AM for pick-up.

What does my child need to bring?

  • Sleeping bag or covers and a pillow.
  • Toiletries.
  • Enough clothes for three days.
  • Swim Suit and Towel
  • Bible, journal and a pen. 

Summer Splash Registration Form

All fields are required.  Payment must be completed for registration to be counted.

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Parent/Guardian Name
Student's Name
Example: Baldwin High School 11th Grade
I agree to the following ticket price for Six Flags
Includes: Price of Six Flags park admission. Spending money and lunch is not covered in this price.


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