Day 26: Overflowing With Thankfulness

Day 26: Overflowing With Thankfulness

November 26:

As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so
walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and firm in your
faith just as you were taught, and overflowing with
thankfulness. – Colossians 2:6-7

Jesus was a man of action. I am sure there are times that
are not recorded in Scripture when Jesus “got away.” We
read about those times. Probably the most memorable
being when He went away to the top of the hill after
feeding the five thousand. The disciples had gone ahead of
him in a boat, only to be caught in a storm, during which
Jesus walked to them across the water, stilled the storm and
brought them immediately to land…just one of many
awesome works.
As Christians, we are called to be people of action. Don’t
you find it interesting that we are so often admonished to
“walk”? In fact, this particular passage is filled with action.
We have received Christ and have been taught. So, we are
expected to walk in Him. How? Well, we are to be rooted.
Like a tree, we are to drive our roots deep in Him, through
His Word and prayer. The result of that is an ongoing
spiritual growth…being built up in Him…and becoming
firmly established in our faith. What a summary of what
Christian discipleship is about!
In the English translation, “abounding in thanksgiving”
almost appears as an afterthought. Nothing can be farther
from the truth. The image that I see here is of a fountain,
having been connected to the wellspring of life, Jesus
Himself, overflowing with gratitude for the precious gift
that has been given. Oh the privilege to be counted among
the brethren, growing in faith, having been rescued by
Jesus! We have no greater reason to Give Thanks!