We have walked, together, over the past weeks focusing on the heart of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. God has reconciled Himself to us in Jesus Christ. Those of us who have believed and trusted in the work He has done for us, bearing our sin on the cross, dying like a sacrificial lamb, then being raised from the dead, though we were once dead in our sins are now alive in Christ! Praise Him, forever!
The most important place we are to put feet to that faith is in our homes. For to long, we have relegated our spiritual formation and the spiritual formation of our children to others. We have believed it to be the pastor’s job (senior, youth, and children) to instill the faith into our kids. We have believed it to be the Sunday School teacher’s job to teach, counsel and lead our children to faith in Jesus. All of these things are fabulous ways that God uses. However, He never intended mothers and fathers to abandon this responsibility to others.
Faith in God is a FAMILY thing. Mothers and fathers are meant to model what it means to walk in the fulness of faith for their kids. It is our great privilege to be instruments of God in forming faith, commitment, discipline…discipleship in the lives of our children. There are a number of reasons that may not be happening in our homes, not the least of which that we have established a culture that only those educated in Bible colleges and universities, those gifted teachers and preachers, are equipped to lead spiritually. I have news for you. Many of the most educated and gifted people I have known are not equipped to lead spiritually, because they have failed to see their own lack of faith. They have replaced a simple faith in Jesus and a passion to be conformed into His image with educational achievements. We are more educated, more equipped, have more resources at our disposal than ever…yet, a generation of children have continued to abandon the Church and faith in Jesus.
Mom and Dad…with the holy scriptures in your hands and the Holy Spirit in your heart, you are a vital resource to your kids. Let’s spend the next few weeks talking about some vital, biblical guidance that will instill a confidence to engage our families in the pursuit of God. Amen.
Study One: Begin at the Beginning
3 Some Pharisees came to him, and to test him they asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:3-6 (NRSV)
There have always been standards of truth that served as guides for the formation of cultures, traditions, and societal practices. If you have been paying attention, you know that many within western culture have adopted a “no standard of truth” policy. Out of one side of the mouth many are declaring “trust the science,” when they are declaring out of the other side of the mouth, “the science cannot be trusted.” In most cases, this is a matter of convenience. Fetuses are declared inhuman so that the abhorrent practice of abortion can be justified, in spite of the science. The simple biological classifications of male and female are no longer acceptable to some so that those who suffer from a variety of psychological traumas that lead them to declare themselves something other than what they are biologically may do so without question or criticism. I do realize these two statements may be oversimplifications of issues that scientists and scholars more educated and indoctrinated than I have written volumes upon, but I am just setting the stage for the conflict that greets Jesus in this conversation.
In practice, the children of Israel had abandoned God’s plan for marriage from creation. Moses began allowing divorce among the people, because the people demanded it. As is often the case, the slippery slope of abandoning the truth standard led to further demands that eventually emptied the covenant of marriage of any real meaning. These Pharisees came to Jesus in order to trap Him. They had no real interest in the truth. Jesus, however, gives us an example that is sorely needed, today. He pointed them back to the standard, rooted in the plan of God for His creation.
“Have you not read…” These Pharisees, teachers and keepers of the law had certainly read. They had stood on many days in the temple and in their synagogues, reading and reciting the passage to which Jesus was referring. That was not the problem. The problem was that they had abandoned the true moral standard for a cultural tradition that had been established later.
Are we not guilty of that very thing? Have we not abandoned the simple, though sometimes uncomfortable, truth of God’s word? Have we not allowed voices other than God’s voice to determine our beliefs about human sexuality, marriage, and family. These are not cultural issues, my friends. God’s standard of truth is not meant to be tweaked at best or abandoned at worst.
Jesus loved these men who were trying to face Him down with culture and tradition. He loved them more than they loved their law or their power. He loved them with an everlasting love that still flows through time and eternity for every one of us. Ultimately, He died for them just as much as He died for you and me. He love them and told them the truth. He told them to begin at the beginning.
We have a decision to make. Do we trust God’s Word to be true? Do we trust that Jesus is telling the truth, even when it may be uncomfortable for us, and loving us when He tells us?
- God’s Word is true.
- God loves me and wants me to know the truth.
- If I love God, I will walk in His truth.
Have you ever heard someone say, “That’s YOUR truth. You go ahead and believe that. I will believe MY truth.”? That is becoming the norm in our western culture. As believers, we must understand that people are within their right to believe what they want to believe. If someone wants to identify as turtle and crawl around on all fours, more power to them. However, THEIR truth does not nullify the fact that she/he is biologically human, created to bear the image of God. We can neither cease declaring or walking in the truth of God.
“Jesus said, ‘if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:31-32)
From the beginning, the enemy undermined God’s word by convincing Eve and Adam that walking according to God’s word was in some way limiting them or placing them in bondage. Nothing can be further from the TRUTH. Jesus is communicating that clearly here. Walking in the TRUTH frees from the burden of sin and chaos that follows disobedience. Exchanging God’s truth for a lie, like Eve and Adam did, leads to certain disaster.
God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, worthy or worship and praise, help me to walk in Your Truth. Grant me the strength to resist the temptation to call evil good and good evil for my own convenience and comfort. I want to know the truth, walk in the truth, and be free to live as You have created me to live. I love you, Lord, and will trust that You always have my good and Your glory as the purpose for any command I discover in Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen!
STUDY TWO: God’s Way for God’s Glory
3 Some Pharisees came to him, and to test him they asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:3-6 (NRSV)
We all need to make this commitment: If and when I have a question about any issue of life and godliness, I will first seek the answers God has provided in the bible. I will meditate on those scriptures and seek God’s face in prayer. I will engage others I trust are seeking to be conformed to the image of Jesus and ask their perspective and experience. I will put into practice that which I have learned.
The Pharisees posed a question. Jesus pointed them to the truth recorded in the Torah (The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures [Old Testament]). He stated the truths, plainly, quoting the scriptures that applied to their question. He then challenged them to put into practice those truths.
If we are to remain faithful to our commitment, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord, we must do the same.
The truths:
God is creator.
God established gender, not as an identity, but a biological fact. He made them male and female. At the risk of sounding harsh, gender identity is the invention of man not the application of God’s clear direction.
God instituted the marriage covenant – For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. Biblical marriage is between one man and one woman.
Jesus provided the application as it relates to divorce or the dissolution of marriage. – What God has joined together, let no one separate. Within the context of the passage, there is mention of the only circumstance that God allowed divorce. In the case of adultery, when a spouse is unfaithful and is sexually active with another, divorce was permitted. Even in that case, however, reconciliation is both encouraged and allowed.
Why is it that so many within our culture, including those who call themselves Christians, do not believe or practice what is clearly defined in scripture?
For those who claim no faith in Christ, we must respectfully allow them to choose their own way. When we engage in discussion about gender issues, marriage, etc. our simple statement should be that we believe the clear truth within the bible to be God’s plan. Other than that, if someone chooses to believe otherwise, they are within their right to do so. We must be careful to communicate in a loving manner and not be sucked into a confrontation that will bear no spiritual fruit.
In the same way, those who claim faith in God through Jesus, may be deceived by the enemy, in much the same way that the serpent deceived Eve and Adam. We must commit ourselves to prayer for those who are choosing to believe and declare what is contrary to the bible. In some cases, we may have the opportunity to bear witness to the truth. This engagement must be made only with much prayer (and fasting), fully surrendering our agenda to God before we proceed. Political points, self-righteousness, and ungodly attitudes will only become stumbling blocks for those who are choosing to believe something contrary to God’s declared truth.
It is easy, even as Christians, to perceive Jesus declaration of truth as being condemnation. Nothing is farther from the truth. In every case, the truth is declared with the purpose of redemption and reconciliation. That is speaking the truth in love. Jesus, Himself, declared that He did not come to condemn the world but to save the world. The Holy Spirit moves upon the hearts of all people when the truth is spoken. He convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
As parents, it is our privilege to declare the truth and demonstrate those truths before our children. We may not perform perfectly. We may have a history of broken relationships. We may fail miserably. This does not negate the truth. Our performance does not negate or affirm the truth of God. He does not need our help. We need His. By His grace, we can live in integrity and victory. Grace is the key. If we have failed. He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse those who confess and repent. That is grace.
So, we can declare these truths with confidence, not in ourselves, but in God the Father, Son (the way, the truth, and the life), and Holy Spirit (who will teach us all these things).
Spend some time discussing the fact that Christians are called to live according to the truths God has given us in the bible. Do not deny or hide that there will be those in school (even teachers), on television, and pretty much everywhere else who may communicate something contrary to what the bible says. That is ok. We do not have to argue or complain or feel threatened. It is because God loves us that He has established these objective truths in the first place.
God, we want to honor you in our heart and our home. You know more than any other that we have failed in many areas. We thank you for your grace and mercy that brings restoration and reconciliation to our lives. Remind us of the powerful resource of the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us, and empower us to obey. You are for us! You desire what is best for us! We want to glorify You, Lord, with our thoughts, speech, and actions. Help us to do so, every day, living God’s Way for God’s Glory! Amen.